2nd Annual Arizona Mead Cup Bronze

2nd Annual Arizona Mead Cup Bronze
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Chuck at the brew supply place talked me into entering some of the Honey Apple Meade into the (2004) 2nd Annual Arizona Mead Cup competition. The HAM didn't do too badly, coming in 3rd (bronze) out of over 60 entries. It seems to have lost points mainly for not being exactly "to style." the judges did not feel that there was enough honey aroma or flavor for that.

Technical Information: This image was taken with the new Nikon Coolpix 3700 camera in macro mode, flash off, stabilized on a chair back. f 3.4, 1/4 sec exposure, 97 ISO, 8.6mm focal length. This is the first non-test image from this camera and the first to appear in the gallery!

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