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Long Descriptions

(24 July, 2000)
Long room and object descriptions may be created using the Global Long Description program (GBL-longdesc #3700) and the Propery List Editor. This allows you to create and format multi-line descriptions and makes it easier to edit long blocks of text.

Create your description using the Propery List Editor (q.v.)

Set the description property to @3700:

@desc here=@3700

Here are some other special tags you can use in your longdesc descriptions:

(   %nocat   -- Causes the longdesc program to display each item in the)
(               list on its own line.                                  )
( The following fields may be imbedded in the list lines themselves:   )
(   %rand::%   -- selects a random item from the list and   )
(                            imbeds it in the description at this point)
(   %list::%   -- include an external list in the description )
(   %prop::%   -- include an external list in the description )
(   %%                    -- imbed a percent sign in the text          )
(   %me%                  -- the name of the player looking            )
(   %loc%                 -- the location of the player looking        )
(   %obj%                 -- the name of the object being described    )
(   %indef%               -- substitute the appropriate indefinate     )
(                            article {a/an} for the word immediately   )
(                            following the field.  {NOTE:  do not put  )
(                            a space right after this field or it will )
(                            always sub in a "a "}                     )
(   %mp:%             -- do a pronoun_sub on me for            )
(   %op:%             -- do a pronoun_sub on the object for    )
(   %cr%                  -- force an end-of-line                      )
(   %ifyes::%  -- include the rest of the line only if the  )
(                            specified prop is a yes                   )
(   %ifno::%   -- include the rest of the line only if the  )
(                            specified prop is a no                    )
(   %ifparyes::% -- include the rest of the line only if    )
(                            there is a yes parent prop in obj's parents)
(   %ifparno::% -- include the rest of the line only if     )
(                            there is a no parent prop in obj's parents)
(   %iftime::% -- Include the rest of the line only if     )
(                            the current server time is between )
(                            and .  The times are expressed on    )
(                            a 24 hour clock with no puncuation:       )
(                                 0000  -- midnight                    )
(                                 0700  -- 7:00am                      )
(                                 1200  -- noon                        )
(                                 1730  -- 5:30pm                      )
( Note on  identification:  If the  field is empty, the      )
(  proploc of the object being described is used.  If the  field  )
(  is not a dbref a match will be attempted.  {At the very least, 'me' )
(  and 'here' should match correctly. }                                )

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