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Property Lists

(24 July, 2000)
Property lists are the core of several important types of constructions on Peg, including long descriptions, weather, and NPCs. The three main commands for dealing with property lists are ledit, lcat, and lremove. Property lists create a series of properties on the target object, each string is one line in the overall list.

Ledit is a full-featured editor that creates and edits property lists. For details on usage, type ledit or refer to the Property List Documentation on the web. Note that ledit is very similar to the standard tinymuck MUF editor. Commands with multiple arguments must be entered in the normal stack language LIFO format. For example, if you wish to list lines 3 through 7 of a given property list, you must enter 3 7 L on the ledit command line.

Lcat allows you to display a property list without editing it.

Lremove removes a property list from an object.

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